
3 Fundamentals for Shoring Up Phishing Defenses csam cybersecurity ncsa Oct 11, 2021

 (From National Cybersecurity Alliance)

From ransomware to SolarWinds, the cybersecurity space has been as hectic as it has ever been over the last 12-24 months. However, for all of the emerging threats and news that are cropping up on the horizon, phishing -- one of the oldest pain points in cyber...

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Be Cyber Smart classllc csam cybersecurity Oct 06, 2021

At a time where we have all been kept indoors and have had both our work and personal lives pushed together it is time to stay “Cyber Smart”. We have seen cybercrime as a whole increase by 600% since the beginning of the global pandemic. The shift from workplace to work-from-home has increased both ...

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Get Familiar with the Cyber Basics classllc csam cybersecurity ncsa new Oct 04, 2021

(From National Cybersecurity Alliance)

At a time when we are more connected than ever, being “cyber smart” is of the utmost importance. This year has already seen more than a fair share of attacks and breaches, including the SolarWinds and Kaseya breaches as well as high-profile attacks on the Colo...

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Exciting updates coming to the Cyber Career Lab ccl classllc collaboration cyber career lab new update Aug 05, 2021

We have some exciting updates coming to the Cyber Career Lab this month. The Cyber Career Lab was created for people who cannot afford thousands of dollars for degree programs or certification training. After running 9 episodes of our first season we have learned a lot and have decided to make some ...

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Keep your eye on the ball - even when you are supported by MSPs. Jul 05, 2021

Hat tip to Huntress Labs for the story they broke Independence Day weekend about hackers compromising the computer systems of at least 1,000 businesses by targeting managed service providers. The story provides a good reminder about the importance of supply chain management because the attacks are n...

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Active Leadership Engagement Produces Better Cybersecurity Jun 08, 2021

The Cyber Strategy Retreat is a business strategy event that features executive panels, roundtable discussions, and keynote presentations from Eric McNulty, Cathryn Marshall, Lee Haney, and Keyaan Williams. This 6th conference will continue the mission of CLASS-LLC to promote cross-functional co

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Three Organizations Pave the Way for the “Cybersecurity Dozen” May 17, 2021

Atlanta, GA: Cyber Leadership and Strategy Solutions (CLASS-LLC) and YWCA Metropolitan Chicago have partnered together to bring more people into the cybersecurity profession. Starting with twelve people in Chicago, the program provides a pipeline to close the cybersecurity skills gap facing the nati...

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Relationships and Attitudes: The pressure-free approach to selling cybersecurity Jan 13, 2021

Allan Alford posted one of my favorite LinkedIn posts to start 2021. He clearly and concisely shares his requirements for selling him something. I assume many people try to sell him products and services that he was not looking for given his role and the company he represents. The approach he sh

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The Colliding Worlds of Business, IT, and Security Sep 15, 2020

Thanks to Rick Gamache for a great offline conversation that is worth sharing publicly. 


The number of new technologies isn't helping the dispersion of workforce in the industry, and it is making security harder than it has to be.

A few things to consider:

  1. Complexity! Technology is
  2. ...
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Corporate security is doomed to fail without executive support and buy-in Jul 14, 2020

Many of my corporate governance conversations in the CCISO program focus on the fact that the business is missing from the security equation! If hundreds of global IT and security executives are talking about this in a closed session, this is worth talking about and exploring in a public forum.


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The Pandemic Road Not Taken Apr 07, 2020

In his classic poem, The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost uses the last stanza to reflect upon how clear choices can be in hindsight.


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

The pandemic caused by COVID-19 provides an opportunity t...

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The Gravity of the Situation Mar 18, 2020

Is COVID-19 serious? Yes. The virus is extremely contagious. Should the global economy grind to a halt because of one strain of the flu? I don’t think so. Context is important. Practices and countermeasures exist to combat the flu. We need to apply them properly. We also need good information. Fortu...

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